共為你找到:200筆part time jobs in pune 相關企業資訊
Part Time Su趴碳蔬(偶爾素一下) 我們所做的每一件事 都在挑戰現狀 我們用不同的角度思考 我們改變現狀的方式 使產品有新話題並受到關注 讓吃素變得容易而且環保意識讓人贊同 我們只是恰巧做了很美味的PIZZA 想要來一片嗎?
中曰式定食快餐, we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you think you are a bright and out going person, feel free to contact us.
Startup Company, focus on high voltage (0 ~ 60V), high power IC design. We need part-time engineer who is capabile for PCB related jobs, can design and draw the testing circuit board. Basic skill must includ soldering. Basic electronics knowledge is required. Familiar with components, capacitor, resistor and inductor.
Most of all jobs in our school is teaching English but we also have some kids need teachers to help finishing their homework , doing exerciseand playing in their spare time. We love to listen music and have espresso so if you love both then i am sure you enjoy your work.
Advanced Digital Broadcast (ADB) 遠昇科技 (www.adbglobal.com) 是一家提供數位電視系統與互動電視軟體解決方案的領導供應商。遠昇科技成立於1995年,自1997推出首台機上盒至今,已累積出貨超過1500萬台到全球各地,擁有完整而豐富的技術整合經驗與實力,包括與各種不同中介軟體(middleware)、鎖碼系統(conditional access)與硬體規範。 有別於國內一般代工生產數位機上盒大廠,ADB遠昇科技專注創新技術的研發與行銷,其所設計的產品,素來被傳播界公認為現今與未來新世代數位廣播領域中的翹楚,並屢獲全球最具公信力之Cable & Satellite/Mediacast「年度最佳產品」獎項的肯定。尤其在數位電視開放標準(MHP, ATSC, ACAP, OCAP, DOCSIS, AVC/VC-1, etc.)、Digital Video Recording、高畫質(High Definition, HD)、3D、IPTV等熱門領域,ADB充分掌握未來發展的關鍵技術與資源。最近更獲得IMS Research研究機構選為「 2009 電視發明獎」殊榮。 ADB全球總員工數約850人,其中以研發工程師約佔70%,總部設在瑞士,並在台灣、印度、以色列、義大利、烏克蘭、波蘭、西班牙、英國以及美國等地都設有營運據點。展望未來亞洲數位電視市場的蓬勃發展,ADB決定擴充其在台灣的研發與業務實力。我們客戶導向的品管、效能與創新,是重視市場差異化及加值服務電視業者的最好選擇。歡迎國內對數位電視發展有興趣的菁英人士加入我們的研發團隊,與ADB共同打造、分享互動數位電視創造的無限可能。 FIFTEEN MILLION NEW GENERATION DIGITAL SET TOP BOXES SHIPPED!!!! Come and join the Digital Television Revolution: ADB is Asia-Pacific’s Number One supplier of digital TV system and interactive digital TV software technology. Middleware, Conditional Access, T-Mail, E-Commerce, EPG, Games, hardware standard, and much more---- That is what we are developing in our R & D Centre. ADB not only possesses the key technique in the realm of MHP、 ATSC、 ACAP、 OCAP、 DOCSIS、 AVC/VC-1、Digital Video Recording、High Definition, HD、3D、IPTV,… etc. but was also crowned "TV INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR" at the 2009 TV Innovation Awards by IMS research in the US. Successful candidates will enjoy exciting jobs in the environment of this 21st century multinational technology company, excellent compensation package plus extensive international exposure, intensive training and stock options. We are looking for dedicated professionals to Join Our Asia Pacific Region.
我們是一間營業十年的老餐廳,專做台菜私房菜類型,最近重新裝潢過,要擴大營業,目前需一名PART TIME肯吃苦耐勞,薪水會比基本工資高,目的在於培訓在擴大營業後所需的領導階層儲備幹部,歡迎有幹勁有活力的新鮮人
誠徵葯師2位!!有照。48小時學分。全天or part time . 一灱詳談。在葯局包葯!上一天休一天,福利都有和公司一樣。勞保和健保都有,時間可調,上班點在嘉義縣高沭公路下,很方便,薪水高,工作忙,要親和力高,面談。另徵一位醫生。待佳。意洽0972-486-485.
We are a Singapore based software company specialising in packaged software development and integration for Wealth Management Structured Products businesses. Due to its ease of use and depth of functionality, our solution has become the de-facto choice for market leaders since 2003. We built the system with Dual Currency Deposits and then extended it to comprehensively include products such as Equity Linked Notes, Tranche Based Structured Products, Principal Protected Deposits, FX Equity Accumulators, Vanilla Barrier Options. Our software is equally detailed across all three phases of a transaction life cycle viz. pre-deal, at-deal and post-deal. Our solution is designed for retail and private bank relationship managers and operations users, and is distinctly different from the trader oriented systems in the market. We offer the right mix of distributed thin client functionality complemented by rich centralized modules. Our system is proven to perform well under heavy volumes, with our largest client using the system for more than 2,000 end-users (with 500 concurrent users) across 11 countries, supported by a central dealing hub and a common multi-entity-enabled database. We are known for our quick turnaround time, precision in delivery and flexibility towards our clients’ requirements. Our installations are typically completed on-time, however aggressive the schedules might be. e.g. we built 11 different interfaces for a large investment bank within 8 weeks. We are privately owned and have 7 offices globally. We have a flat organisation structure comprising of an experienced development team, complemented by domain knowledge specialists and quantitative analysts, who come from some of the top institutes. Our retention rates are among the best in the industry which has ensured continuity and stability to our clients.
兼職或工讀研究助理 we like to search a part-time research assistant to help us bring the patient to the National Yang Ming University MRI center
是一所專業美語補習班(國小到成人美語) 教學活潑 This is a cram school. We need foreign teachers, co-teachers and part time workers. Welcome to join us.
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